Pengaruh Sistem Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat terhadap Kompetensi Guru di Sekolah

The Influence of Lifelong Learning System on Teacher Competence in School

  • Azlee Ab Rahim @ Ahmad Universiti Selangor
  • Jamilah Mustafa Universiti Selangor
Keywords: Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH), Kompetensi Guru, Analisis Regresi Linear


Sistem Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH) merupakan satu proses pendemokrasian pendidikan yang merangkumi program-program dan usaha untuk meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan, kemahiran dan nilai kendiri, sama ada secara formal atau pun tidak formal. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh sistem PSH terhadap kompetensi guru di sekolah. Pengkaji ingin mengenalpasti kepekaan dan persepsi guru-guru terhadap sistem PSH, serta menghuraikan bagaimana sistem PSH ini mempengaruhi kompetensi guru-guru di sekolah. Metodologi kajian adalah secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisa terhadap hasil soal selidik bagi mendapatkan nilai kekerapan, peratus dan min. Kajian dijalankan terhadap sampel 461 orang responden merangkumi guru-guru di seluruh Malaysia yang dipilih secara rawak. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa sistem PSH mempunyai pengaruh dan berkait rapat dengan kompetensi dan prestasi guru di sekolah. Hasil kajian ini boleh dimanfaatkan untuk menyedarkan golongan guru akan kepentingan melaksanakan sistem PSH dan kesannya terhadap perkembangan profesionalisme sektor perguruan negara pada masa hadapan.

The Lifelong Learning System (PSH) is an educational democratization process that includes programs and efforts to improve knowledge, skills and self-worth, whether formally or informally. This study aims to find out the extent of the influence of the PSH system on teacher competence in schools. Researchers want to identify teachers' sensitivity and perception of the PSH system, as well as describe how this PSH system affects the competence of teachers in schools. The methodology of the study is descriptive quantitative and analysis of the results of the questionnaire to obtain the values of frequency, percentage and mean. The study was conducted on a sample of 461 respondents including teachers throughout Malaysia who were randomly selected. The results of this study found that the PSH system has an influence and is closely related to the competencies and performance of teachers in schools. The results of this study can be utilized to make teachers aware of the importance of implementing the PSH system and its impact on the development of professionalism of the national teaching sector in the future.  

Keywords: Lifelong Learning (PSH), Teacher Competence, Linear Regression Analysis

How to Cite
Ab Rahim @ Ahmad, A., & Mustafa, J. (2021). Pengaruh Sistem Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat terhadap Kompetensi Guru di Sekolah. Selangor Humaniora Review, 5(1), 50-73. Retrieved from
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